Tuesday 18 January 2011

Back to life drawing

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I've recently started life drawing classes as a way of loosening myself up a bit, from experience in sixth form it improves your drawing like nothing else.

As with anything there are moments where I think I'm terrible at it, times when I just can't get the legs at the right angle or the head to be the right size but all it takes is one drawing that, while it might not be perfect, has something about it. Above are a few that I think have that something and that I am pleased enough with the want to share with the world! Hope you like them as well.

Sunday 9 January 2011

A new future

This coming week is my last full week in full time employment. After that I have three weeks in New Zealand soaking up some sun and dipping my feet in the pacific and then it's back to the UK to try and carve out a career for myself as freelance designer/contractor/illustrator.

So how am I feeling about this? Not surprisingly a mix of sheer terror and unbridled excitement. The thought of getting my last guaranteed paycheck makes my stomach turn with fear but also spurs me on like nothing ever has before. This is it. It's all up to me. No one to tell me what to do, no one tell me when I'm wrong (or right),
no hiding behind anyone but no sharing the spoils with anyone. All me. Crickey!

I've been very lucky in my career so far, I've worked with and for fantastic people doing varied work for all sorts of clients, from the fun and funky to the serious-minded. I've learned a lot about people and business (not such different things really) and honed my creative and communications skills. Now is the time to take the risk and see what I can do for myself, putting all that learning to good use and picking up somethings that I haven't done for far too long now.

I'm looking forward to learning new things, to creating the kind of life I want to have, focusing on the things I want to do and proving that I can do it all myself.
I keep discovering more questions: Who do I contact first? What should be in my portfolio? Can I do everything I want to? Should everything be under one brand? Should I put my illustrations on Etsy? The list goes on and on, so knowing where to start is pretty hard.

I'm going to use this blog as a way of keeping track of what I'm up to and how it all goes and to have something to hold myself accountable to. If you are interested in seeing how my journey goes then please click the title of the post above and fire up the RSS feed and feel free to add to the comments. Be great to hear other people's opinions and experiences.